Arlo Cameras

Protection Made Easy With Arlo Cameras

  • Dec, Mon, 2024

Security cameras are a necessity in today’s world. One such brand that is well-known for selling top-notch performance cameras is none other than Arlo. So if you also own one from its wide range, then you must surely be looking for the arlo camera installation manual. In this guide, we’ll be providing the complete details about the same.

Pre-Requirements For Arlo Camera Installation

As per the arlo camera installation manual, a user needs following components:

  • Firstly, an Arlo Camera
  • Secondly, an Arlo Base Station
  • Next, a router with an active internet plan.
  • Additionally, an Ethernet cable
  • Further a power adapter for turning on the base station.
  • After that, a smart device for activating the arlo camera.
  • Next, a mounting kit for Arlo camera installation.
  • Most importantly, users need access to the Arlo app.

Quickly Setting Up Arlo Camera

In the arlo camera installation manual, you can find the step-by-step instructions that are as follows:

Download Arlo Secure App

Firstly, start by picking any of your smart devices. Now on the same device open the Google Play Store if the device is android. Use the App store if you are using an iOS device. Search for the Arlo app, as you find the app, download and install it. Now create your Arlo account, if you haven’t already created one. If you do have one, then get the entry by filling the mandatory details.

Connect Base Station

Moving forward, pick up Arlo base station. Place it near your existing router. Take the ethernet cable. Slip its one end into the ethernet port of the Arlo base station. As per the arlo camera installation manual the second end of the ethernet cable goes into the router’s port. Now for turning on the base station, pick the power adapter. Slip the power pin into the power port. After that plug in the adapter into a vacant power socket. Turn it on. Check the LED status, the base station should now be working properly.

Arlo Camera Setup

Further, open Arlo app for arlo camera installation. Now move to the bottom of the screen and select the Add new device option. Thereafter select the option of Camera. Now select the right camera model name.

According to the arlo camera installation manual, now install the batteries into the camera and tap on Continue. Thereafter, to complete the setup process follow all the Arlo app instructions step by step.

Note: During the initial arlo camera installation process, you need to keep the arlo camera within the range of three to six feet. As it becomes easier for the app to identify the camera. Next, do not keep the camera nearby metal or electronic objects. As these objects can create a hurdle during the initial setup.

Mount The Arlo Camera

As the arlo camera installation is now complete, you can move towards the last step that is mounting the camera. Select a desired place, which is elevated, within the range of your arlo base station and provides a clear view. Use the mounting kit and secure the camera. For finding the best place, take help of the Arlo app.

For any query, issues or assistance with the installation, feel free to connect with experts.